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Workforce development is a crucial aspect of economic and social progress in any community. It involves efforts to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of the local building trades workforce, making employees better prepared for the demands of the job market. Community partners play a vital role in facilitating effective workforce development initiatives. Our partners include educational institutions, non-profit organizations, government agencies, businesses, and other community-based organizations.

The list below represents the average salaries of several Residential Building Trades positions in the Charlottesville Albemarle area.  These figures represent the average hourly salaries for individual craft areas and does not include overtime, per diem, or other incentives from the employer.  

FINAL WFD Residential Building Trades Salaries-01

Apprenticeships and Internships: Apprenticeship and internship programs provide hands-on experience for individuals seeking to enter a particular industry. Our community partners (listed below) collaborate with businesses to create these opportunities, giving participants a chance to learn and work simultaneously.

Apprenticeships and Internships: Apprenticeship and internship programs provide hands-on experience for individuals seeking to enter a particular industry. Our community partners (listed below) collaborate with businesses to create these opportunities, giving participants a chance to learn and work simultaneously.

Click the logos below to learn more about how each of our community can help educate and/or match you with a job in the building trades.